1tacho is the solution for managers and drivers. It allows managers to free themselves from the hassle of downloads, analyse drivers’ cards and get remaining working time calculations in 1 minute and work constructively with drivers to reduce fines. All this without opening the computer! It is the driver who, via the app, downloads and analyses errors and productivity. Enter the future now so that your company can develop the present.
→ Worried about the dates of card downloads?
→ Do you want to know if you have infrigements and be able to correct them?
→ Every time you receive a service you want to know if you still have time to perform it and you don’t know how?
→ When you are inspected you don’t know whether to pay or deposit?
Get a card reader compatible with your android smartphone
Use the 1tacho application to download, monitor and analyse your data.
Analyse the data on your phone or computer.
1tacho is a web application for analysing digital tachograph files. It’s very easy to use. Download the data via app, remote automatic download or manually, upload to 1tacho and analyse the data anywhere. 1tacho analyses infringements, working times, download times, vehicle gauging and improve many other processes.
Download Driver Card data remotely and analyse it using the 1tacho platform. Quick solution for drivers to download card data anytime and anywhere.
1Tacho is an excellent solution for any company, reducing worries, unloading time, reliability and operability in reducing infringements and increasing productivity in drivers' journeys
Great help to keep track of work and rest periods and avoid violating international laws, easy analysis of working hours all in the palm of your hand.
Easily monitor your driver data and tachographs in compliance with the Driving Times and Rest Periods Regulations as well as the Working Time and Night Work rules to minimise the possibility of receiving fines for violating this set of rules that affect all companies and drivers.
Be notified of upcoming discharge deadlines, card expiry dates and upcoming gauging deadlines. System notifications and emails will make it easier to manage to ensure no deadlines are missed.
1Tacho easily allows integration with GPS tracking platforms. If your GPS tracking platform supports DDD file download, we can implement a direct upload of the tachograph files to 1tacho and retrieve them back to your platform whenever you want.
1Tacho is an innovative digital tachograph data analysis solution that is constantly being developed and improved. The main focus is on user experience and educating users in the correct use of the tachograph. 1tacho also provides a convenient and easy way to calculate the driver’s working hours for salary calculations and to keep track of upcoming discharges and tachograph calibration dates.
Monday to Friday – 9h00 to 18h00