Use the app to reach a whole new dimension

1Tacho is the most advanced and simple solution for tachograph data reading in Europe.

With the use of the app by drivers, managers can achieve a higher level of time optimization and productivity, now the driver is the main actor in the process;

1tacho advantages for drivers

→ Drivers have more autonomy in managing their time and infractions and can make better and faster decisions

→Drivers receive e-mail alerts of delayed downloads

→Drivers have easy and direct access to their infringements of the last 56 days immediately via their smartphone

→Drivers can see their own working hours, manage their stops, how many hours they have to perform services and assist managers in a much more objective and faster way for both

→ Drivers have more time for other activities

→ Drivers can know in less than 1 minute when they have to take their next reduced or regular weekly rest period and thus know when they have to return home for it

→ In the event of an inspection, drivers have all data of the last 56 days always at hand, visually, making the process much quicker and easier to solve, with no surprises.

1tacho advantages for managers

→ Managers no longer worry about downloads, these are the responsibility of the drivers who download via app daily without having to go anywhere, managers receive alerts via email if downloads are not performed

→ Managers no longer invest time in corrective handling because drivers receive information about infractions they have had in the last 56 days every time they download the data, they are the ones who will have to interact if they have infractions and not the manager

→ Managers will no longer invest time to know how much time the driver still has for the activity and even know until a certain time if they have time to perform a certain task because it is the drivers who, when unloading, will also know and will indicate the manager if they can or cannot perform the work

→ Managers will know immediately (less than 2 minutes) if an infraction must be paid or secured and it is the driver who when calling the manager will indicate, with complete certainty, if they have or not an infraction when confronted with an inspection.